Situated on the forehead, between the eyes, the third eye chakra (Ajna) is the centre of reality, perception, manifestation, thinking, and wisdom. The sixth chakra is represented by a dark purple or indigo colour. Its symbol is an upside-down triangle and two lotus petals. This chakra represents our ability to see things more clearly as we open our minds on a deeper level and learn how to trust our own wisdom and insight.
This chakra lies in the centre of the forehead – a place that many traditions believe contains a third, invisible eye. While our two visible eyes see what is front of us, the third eye sees far beyond, guiding us and helping us to use our intuition. When you have a hunch or a ‘gut’ feeling, this stems from the third eye chakra.
What does this chakra represent and how does an imbalance of the sixth chakra affect us? Let’s have a look.
A Guide to the Third Eye Chakra
While the crown chakra governs your connection to your spirituality and higher self, opening up your mind to intuition and wisdom, the third eye chakra goes deeper. This chakra governs your innate wisdom and knowledge. It is your ability to open your mind, to trust your judgement, to learn, to grow, and to understand the world around you.
When this chakra is imbalanced, you may experience the following symptoms:
- Feeling stuck and struggling to look beyond your problems
- Fantasies and delusions that seem more real than reality
- Battling to establish a vision for yourself or make this vision a reality
- Being unable to see anything beyond the usual
- Struggling to see the bigger picture
- Having no sense of clarity
- Being either overly logical or overly emotional
- Feeling continually lost in your thoughts and daydreams
- Not feeling inspired by anything and focusing on the superficial
You can find balance with the help of meditations that specifically target this chakra. Journaling, vision boards and other exercises that stimulate thought also help. Affirmations to use during your meditation include the following:
I am in touch with my own wisdom and knowledge.
I trust my intuition.
I am open to new ideas and experiences.
I understand and learn from previous experiences.
I seek guidance and clarity in every situation.
Essential oils to use for this chakra include rosemary, clary sage, patchouli, and juniper. You can also use crystals, including amethyst, lapis lazuli, and purple fluorite. A great way to enhance your third eye meditation is to use healing oils in a diffuser and place your crystals on your forehead as you lie on your back. You can also massage oils onto the space between your eyes. This third eye yoga sequence is also a great way to open up your sixth chakra.
Next up in this series, we will be looking at the fifth chakra – the throat chakra. I hope that you have enjoyed this guide to the third eye chakra and don’t forget to leave me a comment if you have any questions.