You've already made a step towards looking after yourself simply by starting to look for advice and ideas. I won't lie... the journey is not all smooth sailing. Just like any journey, there are bumps along the way. Some of those bumps set you back into old, unhealthy habits. Others are small enough the get you back on your feet quickly. Life is not about avoiding bumps altogether but rather equipping yourself with skills that make them easier.
How do you look after yourself when you are stuck and tired and overwhelmed? How do you find balance? You simply start, that's how. You start...
- Accepting that it is time to take a look at different coping strategies.
- Loving yourself enough to invest in your well-being.
- Making positive, healthy changes that add genuine value.
- Believing that things really will begin to get better.
- Learning and growing every single day.
One of the things that I found frustrating on my own journey was the lack of truly holistic approaches to self care. These days, holistic tends to be another word for alternative. I may love crystals and I may believe that many ancient systems such as chakras have value. I love yin yoga and I try to meditate as often as I can (even if I lapse when things get busy). But I also believe in therapy, medication and other conventional approaches. In my own life, I incorporate a range of coping strategies that helps me find balance. It takes an integrated approach to help us grow from within.
I know that taking that first step can be scary and difficult - especially when you feel alone. Feeling that no one understands makes it even harder. I'm here to tell you that you are not alone. We're in this together and we will keep navigating our path to self care, whatever that path may bring.
Ready to get started? Find out what self care is about and follow the blog to get tips on how to start looking after yourself.